(转)Nikolai A. Kozyrev – Russian Scalar Energy Researcher

The seven (7) chakras are seven (7) scalar energy processing points that process and broadcast scalar energy to the soul, mind, and body. Thus, the chakras serve to impart scalar energy instructions upon our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions. Conclusively, all prayers, thoughts, emotions and physical actions are scalar energy manifestations or expressions.



Dr. Nikolai A. Kozyrev

The Russian scalar energy researcher, Nikolai A. Kozyrev understood how scalar energy is such an integral part of the universe. For instance, Kozyrev discovered that scalar energy was a phi spiral or a double-helix phase conjugated wave and that this phi spiral was the natural and most efficient pattern for growth.
俄国标量能量研究者,Nikolai A. Kozyrev   理解了标量能量是如何作为宇宙中的一个完整部分的。比如,Kozyrev发现标量能量是Phi螺旋或者是双螺旋相位共轭波,并且这个Phi螺旋对生长来说是自然的和最有效率的形式。
Specifically, scalar energy is a spiraling form of energy responsible for imparting the phi pattern upon all life forms. The progression of growth in the universe is a phi spiral or a Fibonacci spiral. Scalar energy is the, Creative Strength, of the universe.

The phi spiral of scalar energy carries information, hence, scalar energy is an intelligent energy. Every prayer, thought, emotion or physical action is a broadcast of scalar energy; hence, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical state is to be attributed to scalar energy as the animating force responsible for all action. It is scalar energy, the Life Force, that gives life to the universe.
标量能量的Phi螺旋能携带信息,因此,标量能量是个聪明的能量。每一个祈祷,想法,情感和身体行为都是标量能量的广播;因此,我们的心灵,精神,情感和身体的状态都被归功于 作为所有行为负责任的驱动力的标量能量。是标量能量,生命力给了宇宙生命。

Scalar energy PHI Spiral emanating from a pyramid

Throughout his illustrious career as a scalar energy scientist, Nikolai Kozyrev work and research lead him to formulate the following conclusions:

作为一个标量能量科学家,纵观他的辉煌的生涯,Nikolai Kozyrev的工作和探索,使他得到如下结论:

Discoveries of Nikolai Kozyrev(Nikolai Kozyrev的发现)

  • Scalar energy serves as the carrier wave for human emotion
  • 标量能量作为人类情感的搬运波
  • Scalar energy is the cause of time
  • 标量能量是时间产生的原因
  • Scalar energy is the cause of gravity
  • 标量能量是重力产生的原因
  • Scalar energy is capable of superluminal velocity
  • 标量波能够超光速
  • Scalar energy is the archival system of the universe
  • 标量能量是宇宙的档案系统(可能是指阿卡西克记录,过去的所有事情都存在这里)




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